Most everyone wants to believe that there is something after death, so we continue to "see" and "listen to" ghosts. That happens most often with celebrities like Michael Jackson. People bleived that they have seen the spirit of Michael Jackson in many forms
Some believe that they are channeling that spirit, but nobody seems to have a clear message from Jackson. He was seen in the clouds over New York, on the Larry King show and very distinctly at his Memorial Service. So is Michael Jackson's spirit / ghost appearing on the television airwaves? Do most people even know what a "ghost" is? Lots of people want to see Jackson again, but they tend to see things that just are not there.
People are saying that this image is another appearance of Michael Jackson's ghost on international TV. They've claimed the same is true of a shadow moving across the background during a taping of the Larry King Live show at Jackson's Neverland Ranch.
Although I know that we exist well beyond the physical and that some spirits hang around long after they have left their physical body, these are not instances of that. The Larry King incident is the shadow of someone else in the mansion moving across the room down the hall.
This Memorial Service apparition is nothing more than good video production. If you watch the video, you will see that this image happened at the exact instant when the director was fading out from the shot of Mayer and into the shot of Michael Jackson being projected behind Mayer. Thus, the ghost of Michael Jackson "appeared" to the camera and the viewing audience.
I've seen "ghosts" and other non-physical spirits, and they usually do not resemble what they did when they were in physical form. Often they can be seen at funeral and memorial services as spheres of light floating above the people. That is the spirit of the person watching the proceedings. These two incidents are simply optical illusions.
May we begin to understand and appreciate the true journey we all will take when we have completed our work here in physical reality. And may the spirits of all those who have passed over recognize the freedom of true release and move on to the next phase of their existence.
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