Friday, July 10, 2009

Will Sci-Fi's Ghost Hunters investigate Michael Jackson ghost sightings?

Rumors are flying on the internet tonight that the Sci-Fi network is being overwhelmed by email and phone calls urging the popular cable series "Ghost Hunters" to investigate the Neverland Ranch or the Gary, Indiana boyhood home of Michael Jackson.

Since the King of Pop died on June 25th at the age of fifty, ghost sightings of Michael Jackson have been widespread - most memorably on CNN during a tour of Neverland ranch on Larry King Live.

During the broadcast, a human-shaped male shadow walked across a corridor and then disappeared into a wall.

Some have claimed to even witness the spirit of Michael Jackson at his memorial on Tuesday at Staples Center.

Whether it's our own imagination or a legitimate haunting is for others to decide.

For now, millions of "Ghost Hunters" fans want the popular paranormal investigators from TAPS to track down the spirit of Michael Jackson.

Producers of the series could not be reached for comment.

1 comment:

Dangerously Innocent said...

During his Memorial, I expected him to pop out of the casket and just fake everyone out, saying that he wasn't really dead and that he just wanted to see if people would just leave him alone if he was dead. It's a shame that it's not real. His death is, but him being alive isn't. I would really love it if he was alive.